Tuesday, March 31, 2009

March East Enders Meet!

Hey EastEnders!

The March meet was yet another success!! I didn't take as many pictures as I did videos, so I'll get that video edited and online so you can share in the excitement!

We unveiled the East Enders MINI... A HOT combo of JCW accessories, flat black vinyl, ghost stripes in gloss black, and a turbocharged Cooper S powerhouse under the bonnet! The reactions, as you can predict, were all positive! Everyone wanted to take that car home with them!

We also introduced two events that have been running at the dealership:
  1. Stuff-A-Clubbie: where we are stuffing a Clubman full of toys and delivering them to Sick Kids Hospital for Easter!
  2. Hope Blooms for Breast Cancer pink MINI: a customer of MINI Durham is one of the top fundraisers in the area for the Walk to End BreastCancer and the dealership is showing their support by promoting this vinyl-wrapped pink Cooper.

All this and more, the night was a success as always.

There were also many cards handed out for the Southern Ontario MINI Club as soon as Maple in the County was mentioned. Click here for details about that trip on my blog!

I'll get that video edited then we'll see you on the third Thursday of April, ok?

Happy Motoring from Christina and the crew at MINI Durham!